Saturday 25 February 2012

3DPF - Final Project Oct 2011

Video Reference:

For the final project, me and my partner, kevin, have agreed on choosing a short scene from a Jackie Chan movie call "Gorgeous". We have decided to pick up a small scene from the movie, where the scene shows Mr Allan, which is the guy talking to Jackie Chan, who wants to initiate a fight with Mr Chan. Thus, we find this part interesting and decided to use the dialogue in our final animation project. Below is a video of the dialouge, similarly a video reference as well for our final animation.


We have come out with two characters representing one another, Mr Chan, and Mr Allan. Mr Chan who doesn't really enjoy fighting and Mr Allan who loves to challenge himself and the one initiating the fight against Mr Chan.

Mr Chan:

Mr Allan:

Characters Traits and Stories:

Below are two of their traits and short stories that we have come out with, showing the different personality as well as the story behind the fight.

Mr Chan:

Mr Allan:


After hours of thinking, we both have come out with our own movements for the short scene. I have selected Mr Allan as my character for the scene, while my partner, kevin, will be doing on Mr Chan. After that, we have put together both of our ideas and come out with the storyboard that will suit the scene. We also have to consider the syncrohnise of our movements accordingly so that our movements will be compatible with one another speech, thus the whole scene will not look in a mess. We finally be able to come out with our best idea of the storyboard, where we find it nicely done, good synchronisation, as well as the most importantly no conflicts in between our animation.


I have chosen Mr Allan as my character as mentioned before, thus as reference to the storyboard, I have come out with my own movements and animations for my character Mr Allan. I feel that it is very important to come out with the key poses as it is much easier to analyse and understand the different movements clearly int the initial part of the animation. Below is the key poses that I have come out with and is done in this blocking animation.

Movements (Without Facial):

After doing the blocking, I have a much clearer view on the different movements of my character, thus I have come out with my own animation movements through key poses that I have done previously. Below is the movements of my character without the facial expression, where I have already smoothen out the different parts which looks unatural and weird of my animation.

Final Animation (Individual):

After doing out and smoothen the different parts of the movements previoiusly, I have continue to work out on the facial expression of the characters, through its movements we can see the different expression that the character have shown out. After the facial animation done, I have quite finish my part for my character. Below is the final animation of my character that I have done!

Final Animation (Group):

We have finally come to the last part of our animation after spending hours of doing our own characters, where we finally be able to put both of them together and create the final group animation. Before putting them together, we already know that there will be some problems with the synchronisation, thus after we have finish our movements, we decided to put together first and see if the synchronisation have any problem, from there we will be able to go back on our own characters and do the necessary changes before putting it together for the final animation. After the changes, we set our positions to face each other and synchronise with the movements. Lastly, we also added the lightning effects in maya at the ending part of our animation, to show the eye contacts with one another as well as building up the tension before fighting for our characters, to make the animation looks more cool with effects! Below is a playblast of our final animation, but for the one we pass up, we have to use rendering so that the lightning effects will glow as well as the different lighting that we have done on the stage.


Yet again we have come to end of the subject. Through this subject, I have really learnt a lot about animations as well as scripting and enjoyed it in the process. What I really enjoy about is actually doing the final animation project. Although I spent hours of non-stop doing our final animation, however, when I finish and look at our own animation, I will have a sense of achievements where you see all your hard work being shown inside my final product. Although my animation is not one of the best, but it is definitely not one of the worst. I can finally understand how the professional animations spents their precious time and efforts to create some of the finest animation work. However, there's still a lot more that needs to be done to improve our animation, thus we cannot be complacent just yet. The skills and knowledge that we have acquired will bring us throughout our working career, thus I will continue to work harder and apply the things that I have learnt and achieve better result!

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